There are a lot of us that want K9 to open to the list of email accounts.
This was the way that K9 could be opened up until the start of this decade.
When the previous developer changed this at the start of this decade, the 5 star app turned into a 2 or 1 star app.
If Thunderbird brings back the ability to open K9 to the list of email accounts, K9 will return to a 5 star app within days.
This doesn’t need to be the only way to open K9. Just add an option in Settings, just like being able to open at a Unified list or not.
If Thunderbird look at the K9 app reviews from around 2021, you will see when the 5 star rating crashed due to the new UI, which removed the ability to open at the list of email accounts.
If you use a 32 bit phone, look for Open Mail, which has the UI that had the 5 star rating, being able to open at a list of email accounts.
This sounds like an interesting idea, I know users have different preferences when loading the app. On the other hand, we don’t want to overload the app with too many settings. I think there are enough different needs so that users won’t immediately bring the ratings back to 5 stars for this one feature though. The current average rating is higher than back before the 5.807 release
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Looking forward to seeing your idea there, this will help find out how well received a change like this would be.