Push not working on Android 14 (K-9 Mail 6.800/6.801)

The app was updated on Thursday to 6.800 now I don’t appear to be getting any push email. was working before update but now I have to open app and swipe down to refresh then mail arrives. I’m using IMAP settings nothing has been changed other than the update

phone: pixel 8 pro

any suggestions?


Maybe try going into Settings, disable push and then enable it again?

I updated too and my emails get pushed just fine on v6.800. Oneplus 9 Pro on Matrixx Rom A14.

@Nimueh thanks for the reply, I’ve tried that and also uninstalled and reinstalled. still same problem. I can open the app and sit in the inbox and no emails arrive until I refresh using the pulldown.
is there an easy way to roll back? im not entirely sure which version i was on before this.

Only way is to uninstall K-9 and install an older version from Github.

But I can’t imagine it being related to the update, otherwise there’d be loads of other users complaining about it here :woman_shrugging:

For me version 6.800 did not yet pop up. But I am on Beta stream version 6.717, and for me push works quit fine. I guess 6.800 is just all changes done by Beta?

@ApriliaEdd maybe best you send a debug log maybe we can help better with it.

I’m travelling at the moment I’ll try to figure out posting debug log in the next day or 2. I’ve enabled the logging and disabled polling again so the logs are valid.

Also make sure that you have disabled battery optimization for k9. This could also be reason for not getting notifications

I already set it to unrestricted but it has not helped.

What’s the best way to post the logs?

Probably pastebin.com or similar sites :slightly_smiling_face:

Ok this I really strange. This morning I added 1 of my email accounts again and now all 3 are receiving push mails??? I now have 1 account duplicated but at least it works now


Same issue on a pixel 7a, 6.8 fresh install (although i did import settings), see logs. No notifications (even with the app open), unified inbox does not fetch email when refreshing. It does work when I go into a specific inbox and refresh…

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Interesting, mine were imported too. try adding one of your accounts again manually. That has made it work for me I still have the duplicate account and push seems to be working for me although I’m in a pretty poor area for cell reception at the moment

A fresh app install on Android 14 will be missing the “alarms & reminders” permission required for Push to work. Please allow setting alarms and reminders in Android’s app settings under Alarms & reminders.

See Known issues in this blog post: Towards Thunderbird for Android – K-9 Mail 6.800 Simplifies Adding Email Accounts

K9 mail does not appear in the list for Alarms and reminders on my phone?

Should it be there

Go to K-9 Mail’s App info screen, e.g. by long-pressing the app icon, then selecting App info from the popup.

I recently upgraded to 6.800 on Android 14 / Pixel 8 Pro and have lost IMAP push functionality for 2 accounts. Like @ApriliaEdd, K-9 does not appear in the list for “Alarms and reminders” permission nor is there an opportunity to grant that permission from the App info screen.


Same as above no, obvious way to grant the permission

“Alarms & reminders” is a separate top-level entry in the App info screen. It’s not under “(App) permissions”.

The top-level Alarms and reminders screen does not include K-9 in the list and there is no user option to add an unlisted application. My guess is that the app itself has to request the permission before it is added to the list.

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It’s also not in the app info screen