Google Family Link

Bought a cheap smartphone for my son. We use Google’s Family Link to manage his devices. Installed K-9 for him but it won’t accept the password, and doesn’t offer the get approval option that other apps do, so cannot setup his Gmail account.

Also, since, I have found that the K-9 on my phone now does not synchronise. Other Gmail and Hotmail accounts still work.

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I guess you need to create an app-specific password for K9 in the Google security settings. As far as I have I understood the development focus of K9 currently invokes getting rid of that need.


See How to set up with a Gmail account for more detailed instructions on how to set up an app-specific password.

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Thank you.

I followed this, but it gets stuck straight away:
" Enable IMAP in your Gmail settings.
If you have 2FA enabled for your Google account, visit .
Click on “App Passwords” and generate a new password.
This is the password you will use for IMAP, instead of your Gmail password."

There is no “App Passwords”.

There is for me :woman_shrugging:

Yeah, the problem is in family link. You cannot set up an app password for your kids.

Sadly, this means you need to wait for K-9 6.200. It will allow Google sign in with you supervisor account and then you can let you kid sign in.


Thank you tchara
I suspected that was the issue but needed to check first before deleting the app. Shame though.

Take care


Hi! I am using the latest version of K9-mail, but cannot connect my kid’s google account. All the steps described on How do I add a Gmail account? goes smoothly, I additionally have to log-in as a parent to confirm, but things seem to work on google’s end, and I can see that the app was added in the security settings:

however, k9 displays the error message

IMAP access not allowed for this account (failure)

and gives me the choice to either continue, or edit the details. Is it possible to use K9 with family accounts?
