Account Picture - how to change (resolved)

Hello. Install version 6.600 and account avatars not see for me too. Restart application and clean cache not help. I think it well be great edit avatars in app. Eg, I have two email accounts (corporate) where i can’t edit avatar.

Like I said 2 messages above: You can set your own userpicture in the settings of your email account (Gmail, Yahoo, whichever). K-9 does not have an option to change avatars, you have to do it in the settings of you provider.

I have own userpic in my accounts (google and yandex) and it does not shown in app. Dance with clear cache and reload app not helped.
And i have two another accounts, where i can’t set own userpic: this services dosn’t have that functionality.

I have tried this again just to check my process still works.

For example if my email was
I create a contact using Google contacts, call this contact whatever name, but ensure that contacts email is set to
Then obviously add an image for that contact, save done.

Now if I swipe away k9 it still does not show, but going into app settings and force closing k9, upon launch it’s showing the image instantly.

This thread could likely do with being locked, it’s been explained a few times like me again now but more importantly k9 development is merging with Mozilla Thunderbird and dramatic changes are incoming anyway.


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