Tweeks to improve

I’ve been a user of K9 fir many years and used it on a host of smart phones. I like the app a lot, but there are a couple of things that do annoy.

  1. When filing away, the list if folders is complete. It would be nice if one could have the option to open in groups. Top level. And then expand. It would make it vastly easier to find the correct storage location. Made many mistakes over the years.
  2. Very often it doesn’t sync with my activities. What I mean by that is that I’d read, delete and file messages, but when I leave the app and return, everything I did is undone and has to be done again, read, delete, or file. I always do the pull down to try and sync but makes no difference.
  3. Pull down does not sync. Perhaps a sync button. I have my app set to sync automatically about 4 times a day. I run 6 email accounts, 5 company Google and 1 private Google, but one Hotmail.
    These are my things. Otherwise I’m a big advocate of the app…


The sync button was inexplicably removed without any explanation a few versions ago, and requests to restore it have been ignored

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I thought that pulling down started a refresh, bit it doesn’t seem to work either anymore.

Pulling down refreshes just fine for me now on TBird Beta and still did on the last K-9 version as well.

Lucky you if it does.

Works for me no problem.

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If it does not for you then this is a bug. And same bug would/could happen for synch button as well.

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