Transfer "Send folder" from POP to IMAP


I have been using K-9 on my Android cell phone for a long time. As I would like to switch from a POP account to an IMAP account, I have the problem that messages I have sent in the past are not transferred to the IMAP account, as they are stored on the cell phone.

As this also includes important mails, I would like to save the sent messages on the cell phone, export them and import them back into the IMAP account.

What is the best way to do this?

W. Zimmer

Use IMAP from the start.

You are not going to get those messages back, not into email anyway. You can export them to cloud storage using the share button. They will be reduced to plain text files and will no longer be viable for storage in an mailbox.

I don’t use POP on K-9 so don’t know if things differ from IMAP. K-9’s IMAP offers four options for the individual handling of messages:

  • forward
  • forward as attachment
  • edit as new message
  • share

I think I would try either “forward” or “forward as attachment” as ways to send the messages to yourself. From there you can handle them as you wish. Unfortunately it appears that you have to do this handling message-by-message. I don’t see anything that supports selecting multiple messages and doing this en mass.

I assume you are aware that you can’t just “switch” a K-9 account from POP to IMAP. Rather, you have to go through the new account setup process, which creates a new/separate account in your K-9 app.

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That’s a far better idea than my suggestion. This method would allow the attached message to be dragged into the sent folder using a desktop client.

I was so focused on the concept of saving that I never even considered the superior SMTP options.

for a moment i thought that “edit as new message” would be the best approach, but of course - since you don’t want to “spam” the original recipient so would need to change that - the original recipient would be lost, so that doesn’t really do what’s needed in this context.