The “Push” availability always shows the icon of app “K-9 Mail” with number “1” as if you have a new email

I followed your document called “How to configure Push?” and I did take “Option 1: Turn off the notification”.
This works ok, i.e. the notification is gone.
However, the icon of “K-9 Mail” on my smartphone’s startpage is always showing with number “1” as if you have a new email.

  • But you don’t have new email, i.e. that “1” is also counting the –yet invisiable- informational message about Push.
    → When indeed a real new mail arrives this counter becomes a “2” and so on.

It looks as if this internal –yet invisible info- is handled as if it was an incoming email and has to be counted.
→ I hope there is a way to stop counting this info message.

Regards, Bert

P.s: I am very satisfied with K-9 Mail.

This is probably a (non-standard) feature of the launcher you’re using. If you haven’t installed a custom launcher app, report this as a bug to your device vendor.

My smartphone is a Samsung S24 Plus with the august 2024 update.
I don’t have any additional launcher stuff installed, it’s the bare S24 Plus.
Please comment on this, i.e. I don’t think I can address Samsung with this issue.

Samsung pulls the number from a special notification API that K-9 does not use. Instead, they “count” the actual notifications.

Workaround: Silence or disable the default notification of K-9 and only enable the notifications for new mail. That way you should get a proper value. However, as soon as you dismiss a notification, the indicator will also disappear.

Not ignoring the notification for an (ongoing) foreground service surely is a bug that should be fixed on their end. I don’t think K-9 Mail is the only app affected by this.

Thank you all for your response. Richt now this is the way things work and I can live withit. No further action required for me.
Regards, Bert