Save .ics attachments without attaching .txt

I received a calendar file calendar.ics by mail. This will appear as an attachment with that name. If I click on it, various programs are specified but not the calendar app…

If I save the attachment, it is saved as calendar.ics.txt. If I remove the .txt, calendar.ics is displayed with the calendar app icon and the appointment is entered in the calendar app with a double click.

Why isn’t the original name saved but expanded with a .txt?

For what it’s worth … .ics calendar file attachments save with that as the extension (no “.txt”) and prompt to open the google calendar directly from the message and also from the downloaded/saved file with android 12 and k9 5.913 and .914.

I also use the current K9 version, but on three devices with android 10. On all devices, the behavior is exactly as I described - google calendar does not appear in the “open with” list and when I save the .ics file , a .txt will be appended.

Of course, the ideal case would be to transfer the .ics attachment directly from K9 to the calendar app.

Which version exact?

It seems already to be implemented in Beta.
Tested on my S7 with Beta 5.914

  • save: K9 just saves as .ics-file
  • open: K9 asks which App to be used for .ics-file to open - there I could select between my calendar app and an editor.
    Seems to use standard Android mechanism for opening/app selection.

So, you “just” have to wait until it is released officially. But I do not have a clue when this will be…