Restoring e-mails from wastepaper basket?

How to restore an e-mail that has been accidentally deleted / moved to the wastepaper basket?

Thanks, Roland

You should be able to simply move the mail from folder Trash to any other folder.

  • Go to folder Trash
  • Select mail you deleted ( assuming you can find it there)
  • Select “Move” from 3dot menu
  • Chose the required target folder, e.g Inbox
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Clearly, I checked the … menu, but unfortunately, in my case (latest beta version), it doesn’t offer a “move” entry.

(I’m a very experienced user.)

It could also be that it is shown on the top bar if you have more space than me. I just checked when I use my phone in landscape mode. Then you have to look for a Folder symbol. By long pressing on the symbols you should get the command name.

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I ran afoul of this one time and found the actual problem in a different thread. Outside of inbox to trash, K9 doesn’t support moving messages between folders on POP3 accounts, even trash to inbox. POP3 is considered deprecated, and likely no additional effort will ever go into supporting it better. This is unfortunate for the few people, myself included, who still use a mail server that doesn’t support anything better, but a minor problem in the grand scheme of things.

I also am unable to move email from the Trash to any the Inbox (imap, not pop3). I’ve tried “Refile… → Copy” and “Refile… → Move.” I end up the email not visible in either folder.
I was able to move an email from Trash to some other folder, but if I then try to move it from there to the Inbox – poof! It’s not in that other folder, Inbox, or Trash.
The only way I’ve found to “restore” an email from trash to the Inbox is to forward it to myself (which isn’t quite the same thing, of course).
I’m using K-9 Mail version 6.603, if that’s significant.