Recover accidentally deleted mail

Is there any possibility to recover an accidentally deleted mail from trash an remove it to the inbox?
Kind regards

Is the mail still in the trash folder? Then you can just move it to any folder, including inbox, just as you would move any other mail.


Hi tchara
Thank you for your quick answer!
I have searched this possibility on my Android 13 phone. I can’t drag the email anywhere. And in the menue I only found possibilitys to reply all, send to another address, send as attachement, edit as new mail and to share it. No restore oder possiblity to move it somewhere. I had forgotten to mention, that it’s a POP3 account.
Kind regards

For POP3, this is not possible. The only option you have is to forward the email to yourself. Consider switching to IMAP, that behaves a lot more like one would expect

If you do that be aware that mails, which are no longer on your mail server but on your local K9 app / device only will not be available in K9 with IMAP. I would propose to keep the POP3 config as backup (no longer fetching) and add a new IMAP config

Thank you for your answers! Then I know now, it’s not possible.
Yes I forwarded it already.