Hi There,
searched arround (in forum and web) but can’t find a sollution.
“Years” ago, I worked with K9 and outlook and it worked fine.
Since then little break and now I want to work again with it.
I tried to setup K9 with the informations provided by Microsoft oon official page (can’t put link here):
|**IMAP server**|outlook.office365.com|
|**IMAP port**|993|
|**IMAP encryption**|SSL/TLS|
|**Authentication Method**|OAuth2/Modern Auth|
→ I can receive mails fine.
|**SMTP server name**|smtp-mail.outlook.com|
|**SMTP port**|587|
|**SMTP encryption**|STARTTLS|
|**Authentication Method**|OAuth2/Modern Auth|
→ Can not send mails. During setup I got following error:
Authentication unsuccessful
[FR3P281CA0142.DEUP281.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM 2024-12-15T20:52:37.998Z08DD1D3AD35CCF65]
Can’t find a solution. Found the setup guide for Outlook as well, but this was no help so far.
Any ideas?