Office 365 email

My work email [redacted]

Wich is an office 365 email will not work with K9
But my email works in outlook automatically for Android but it does not work at all in k9 sayes can’t connect to server tried every setting possible.

Outlook automatically connects with no input from me.

Can this be fixed

I removed the address from your post to avoid you getting spam.

Have a look at this thread for a tutorial on how to add office 356 accounts: How do I add an Office365 account?


You may need to talk to your admin/IT group at work if you can’t get this going. They may have a setting set to not allow work emails to leave un-managed MIcrosoft properties - being the web or Outlook.

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The app ID com.fsck.k9 must be authorized in Azure by your admin before

How do I add an Office365 account?

will work.
From this source:


for me “com.fsck.k9” gives an error.

all other Apps have a long number (16 digits?)

As I understand the documents, your Azure admin generates the ID individually.
I’m still waiting for my company’s admin to get busy on that issue, so at the time of writing I can’t tell for sure. Here’s another source which might help: How to get App ID, App secret and app password in Office 365

More from (I-hate-)Microsoft: here, here and … (only two links per post for new users, thank you K9-Forum) …
