Need to see name and eml address together

I get a lot of spoofed emails pretending to be urgent messages from friends.
I use Blackberry hub for most of my email but it only shows the ‘names’ and is quite risky, so I have had K9 as well, to check addresses, but they are hard to find because there is no setting to see name and address at the same time. Why can’t you just put the address in brackets after the ‘name’? Seems a pointless risk not to do this.

Similarly, there is no button or drop down to show message source code like there used to be on Thunderbird. This was one of the most useful features to be able to see what one was really dealing with, without even having to open the email view. It is part way there to be able to see headers, but I miss being able to check the whole thing as I used to do on the pc version. (Note that I’ve not used a computer for some time so I am assuming this feature is still present.)

Good to see an actual Thunderbird app at last though.
Turn it into a message hub like the Blackberry and you will have a winner.

If you uncheck Show Correspondent names, it will show the email address.
Settings → General settings → Display

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Did you read my question at all?


We also need to be able to see the message source like we can on Thunderbird: which this is supposed to be. :frowning: (Yes: I know how to open mail and find the dropdown for headers, but i want to do this without opening the mail first. Should be able to ‘ctrl/H’ or have a button like in Thunderbird.)

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It’s an easy solution to identify the sender, in one look as you say. If you know email address you know the name. In reality you could get a spoof with the correct name and address so it does as much as you need to identify at a glance. But you are not required to use this option and are free to continue to just show the name. Lol