Multiple times: wrong subject, wrong content

Moin, this happens several times a week: Instead of showing the date, subject and content of new emails, an old email is displayed again a few times. Until suddenly it’s right again. An example from yesterday (Sunday) and today:

Sunday, 2:21 p.m. Email from Kununu. Displays correctly
Sunday, 8:11 p.m.: Email from Paypal. Displays correctly
Now a few emails came, but the 8:11 p.m. email from Paypal is displayed.

And at some point it will work again.

A screenshot here shows what it looks like in K9Mail, to compare how the emails actually come and are displayed in kmail.

Any ideas? I have configured a 2nd account in k9mail, but this doesn’t happen there. Sync happens via IMAP.

What ordering did you configure in screen above?
You say that the many mails “Belege von Zum Riedenstein” are several time the same mail? Oder just different mails with same subject?

Moin Stphn, thanks for your answer.

The Mails are orderd by date.

In reality I received a single email “Belege von Zum Riedenstein”. You can see this in the screenshot of the other email program. And then some other emails. But k9mail shows these 4 other emails in the overview and also in the email text, like the email that came on Sunday evening, i.e. the actual “Belege von Zum Riedenstein”. These were more PayPal emails but also an email from a cron job. Should I filter out the Paypal emails on the server side? Maybe it’s just them causing problems. I hadn’t paid attention to that yet.

But the other mailprograms I use (kmail and roundcube) show they correct.

Maybe the message database and/or APK got corrupted. Try uninstalling the app, then reinstalling.

I would have proposed to “Clear local messages” for that folder as you wrote that you work with IMAP. That would delete all mails locally only and fetches mails with current state from server again.
Note: what is no longer on server is gone (but that is true with reinstall as well)

Moin, thanks for this hint. I did so. Looks good for the moment. Now I’m excited to see what the next few days will show.


I first saw cketti’s recommendation to reinstall the app. Thanks to the export and import of the settings, this was done quickly. Now I’m excited to see what the next few days will bring.
Thank you for the feedback, I hope there are no more false messages now.

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