Mails not include appendix

Hallo, when people and institutions send me e-mails with appendix, always I get these e-mails without appendix. Most of appendix are PDF’s. DOC-Files already I have got, but this is unable to open. Now I need an important document from a institution, they sent me probably as PDF and I haven’t got it. No, most of institutions not forgot to add the appendix!

Could you check if you have a low fetch size limit set for that account? Do you see at the footer of those mails a button “Download complete message”? If so, do you see attachments once you download full message?
I could not reproduce this but might also depend on concrete version of K9 you are using. Which version is it? Which mail provider do you use?

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No, I can’t. I don’t see this button “Download complete message”. It is Versiom 6.804 of K9. Apache Lizens Version 2.0. I can’t understand why acccepring emails so difficult, in other provider it is obvious, that email works.

If you do not see that button then the size of mail should not be a problem. And as I said: I cannot reproduce the issue - all attachments are visible and can be opened.

Your version is the latest offical version I assume. I am on a newer Beta version, but I never had issues with attachments (at least when the full mail was loaded)

What mail provider do you use?
What phone vendor?

Also, could you check Settings / account / Fetching mail / Fetch messages up to

What value is configured there?

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