K9 Mail on Android fetches emails only when I open it

Hey everyone,

I’m having a bit of a problem with the K9 Mail 6.603 (installed from f-droid) app on my Xiaomi 12 (android 13, MIUI 14). The issue is that K9 only seems to fetch new emails (2 outlook accs) when I open the app, and doesn’t do this in the background at all.

I’ve attempted to change various settings, such as different intervals for “folder pull frequency” and different options in “poll folders”, but nothing has made a difference.

Battery saver for this app is set to “No restrictions”. I didn’t set up “push folders” as I don’t need instant notifications.

I’d greatly appreciate any advice or guidance on how to get K9 checking for new emails while in the background!


MIUI apparently has some non-standard background task killing behavior. Check out this page for some advice:

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