Integrate Chat and Instant Messaging into K9/TB


E-Mail and Chat are today more and more merging to Messaging.
Chat requires a server.

That could be an e-mail-server too, but there is no java android code for the poptastic protocol for chat over e-mail- servers as e,g, describe here:
bugzilla mozilla org/show_bug.cgi?id=1777771

Instead the use of simple to install and admin servers are requested:

the java code for that chat application is found here:

Can you integrate that chat app code into K9?

In any case: Chat servers for encrypted chat that cannot be installed, administered and maintained easily by each pupil in a school class or be run on a raspberry pi should be proofen very seriously to be part of the architecture of (y)our messaging future.


You might want to have a look at Delta Chat.

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Thanks, yes that is for chat too, Smoke uses java, Delta uses rust and kotlin. Which portions of code ever can be joining K9 for chat. Email-Servers might be in the first look, probably in the long run users need to set up own chat servers, especially if third party does not want to support encryption.
So we are glad that k9 joined the mozilla family and probably delta chat email was an option too, which does not mean that the chat feature could be integrated.