IMAP folder localization

Hi everyone,

I am writing you about request for IMAP folder localization. On the server, we have folders:

On K-9 mail, only INBOX folder is translated to our language (slovak) as “Dorucena”. Other names are not translated and remain as on the server. In thunderbird, they are translated as

Please could you make for them same translation as for INBOX?


Just add the correct folders under Settings - Folders.

I did it. It doesn`t fix the problem. Problem is with missing translation. Have a look on attached screenshots.

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The IMAP specification requires the inbox to be called INBOX. There’s no way to rename it as a user. That’s why we localize the name. However, that restriction doesn’t apply to the other folders. If you want your special folders to have localized names, you should be able to rename them on the server. Currently renaming folders is not supported by K-9 Mail. You’ll have to use a different email client (or your provider’s webmail interface) for this.