I cannot configure my corporate e-mail in Outlook365

I tried several times and the support of my hosting/e-mail service gives me the configurations for the olt Outlook, thtat doen´t work in the Outlook365

Many companies don’t let unmanaged applications get to email. They likely have a setting on the admin side to enable/disable use of third party mail applications like K-9.

Check with your helpdesk or IT and see if they’ll permit you to do such.

The support of the hosting supplier tried to solve the situation and they couldn´t

we need to start with you providing some basic information::

K9 release

imap or pop

settings under:
    fetching mai/incoming server
    sending mail/outgoing server

response messages when adding the configuration details

note, an o365 mail server can be configured to not support imap (or pop), which should become clear from the above details.

Incoming: mail.bestdent.com.ar PORT: 993
Sending: mail.bestdent.com.ar PORT: 465
Requiere authentication

what is your K9 release version? what is your authentication method on the incoming and outgoing server setups?

what are the indications that it’s not working?

when you press “next” on the incoming/outgoing server setup pages what happens? do you get any notifications/messages at that stage?

The answer es that it was not possible to configure the e-mail. Try again later.
Now I could configure it as POP, but I prefer to be able to setup as IMAP.

as i asked above:

what is your K9 release version? what is your authentication method on the
incoming and outgoing server setups?

and, what exactly is the the error message.

Likely your employer has a configuration setting in their management panel to permit/not-permit third party mail apps. It’s likely not something the hosting supplier can configure.