How to change en-GB translation of 'trash'?

Over on usenet (in we were just discussing the various names given to the ‘trash’ folder in various locales of Thunderbird, including Canadian and British English and other languages (German, Spanish). My en-GB locale of Thunderbird uses ‘deleted’ throughout. (‘Trash’ is rarely used in Britain either for the stuff we throw away or the container we put it in. AFAIK it is only used in the US.)

However K9 on my Android tablet uses ‘trash’ which jars with me. What is the procedure for changing that - or at least considering a change - to ‘deleted’ - as in Thunderbird?

I looked online for your localisation system and found this:

but I’m not sure whether that’s current; the word ‘legacy’ appears. I found ‘trash’ and entered suggestions, but I don’t know whether anybody is looking at that, and it did not appear to allow entry of a reason for a proposed change.

Rubbish bins and waste baskets have also been suggested, but ‘deleted’ best describes the contents of the folder IMO.

The trash folder uses whatever name the server uses. K-9 does not translate the folder name

To be more precise: Whatever the server delivers.

On most systems the name is fixed. As most MTA are Linux-based and the standard locale is en-US, you get trash. – You can fix this by changing your server locale to en-UK.

However, some systems only use a folder ID and deliver a standard locale (in most cases en-US) if the MUA does not support folder IDs (ID support needs to be explicitly fetched with the options command).

And finally, there are MUAs that don’t care about the locale problems and just translate whatever the server returns. Thunderbird does this.

Thanks for that detailed explanation.

I wonder if I could persuade my mail server, Ionos - a German company - to change their locale for UK cusomers? Me neither.

I notice that the default Apple email client on my iPhone - ‘Mail’ - connected to the same Ionos IMAP server shows that folder as ‘Bin’, with an icon of a dustbin (US: ‘trash can’).

Perhaps it does the same as Thunderbird.