Function of the "Back" button

Is there a way that when pressing the back button and you are in the mail list that the app will not close but goes to the start page of the app.
Unfortunaly I did a update of the K9 mail and it is still not what it was before.

May I ask what is the start page of K9? For me when I start K9 it directly opens Inbox folder of my main mail account. Then I can look at other folders, back button brings me back to Inbox.
When I move to another account then back brings me back to the Inbox of that account. But yes, from there, back will just close K9 and not bring me to Inbox of main account.

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Sorry, I did ask it wrong.
Now I just tried it a couple of times I am going back to the combined in-box.
What I did want to see is a page where the mail accounts where seperated and that you can see wich account has a new email.
Now you see it in one box.
The old version had the accounts on one page when using the back button.

Did not try it on my phone for now but are the buttons still on the top of the phone page?
If so, I don’t update my phone.
