EHLO line must not be empty error

I have K9 ver. 6.603 on Pixel 7a under Android 14.
I set up a POP3/SMTP account with Orange.
I can configure POP3 and receive mails ok, but cannot complete the SMTP configuration. I get an error “Cannot connect to server. EHLO line must not be empty”.
Any ideas how to overcome this ?

Your server requires extended login credentials… What have you configured?

Insecure SMTP starts with a HELO message. If the server is setup to require authentication (and often also encryption), this message must continue HELO EHLO… Most servers require this…

Seems to me that you either did not provide login credentials or picked the wrong encryption type wrt the server.

Welcome @Aeletr :wave:

The error “EHLO line must not be empty” means the server’s response to the app’s EHLO command is not properly formatted. Can you please record a debug log while the app is checking outgoing server settings and/or post the hostname of your outgoing mail server?

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Sorry for the long wait ! Here is the log.

(Attachment k9mail-logs.txt is missing)

The log was rejected as it is a .txt file , and those are not allowed. How to do ?

Sorry for the long wait ! Here is the log.

If all else fails just upload to and share the link here :wink:

I did.

It is at

The protocol exchange is this (client commands prefixed with C: , server responses with S: ):

S: 220 ESMTP MAIL service ready. Sending unsolicited commercial or bulk e-mail is prohibited.
C: EHLO []
S: [redacted], this server offers 8 extensions
S: 250-SIZE 28311552
S: 250-
S: 250-HELP

The problem is the line consisting only of “250-”. This is not allowed and leads to the error in K-9 Mail.

@Aeletr: I’ve reported this to your email provider. Hopefully the bug report will end up on the right desk and they will fix this error. If not, try reporting the bug yourself and point them to this thread.

Thank you very much. I shall report the problem to Orange (Link, previously) as well.