Doesn't download new mail

I suggest you scrutinize your DNS configuration. What DNS server(s) have been configured ? If multiple DNS servers are used then do these deliver the same result ?

Btw. What I find very confusing is that in the first log you address “imap.example.example.ex” and in second log you have “imap.EXAMPLE.EXAMPLE.EX”. Did you try to hide the real server name ?

Thanks for reply. How would I test DNS servers in this case, and how would it explain the errors I experience? Both mobiles, in fact even the computer, use the same DNS servers when using VPN (and it’s very likely they changed when I disabled VPN in one of the tests with the problematic mobile mentioned above; I know they should have (but didn’t think of it at the time, since the scope was just to a test without VPN) since the mobile would then use Wi-Fi and straight out from the router with the standard DNS).

Yes. And I noticed the difference in the different logs (from different days) before I posted, but was too exhausted to change that little thing since it obviously was used to hide; and this is only small excerpts of very verbose logs.

Hi again,
Here’s part of the debug log from yesterday, when I, if I quote myself from above, sent two test mails.

Test without VPN:
No Wi-Fi enabled on mobile; sent test mail from computer; enabled Wi-Fi, no auto check as soon as enabled. Started K-9, and did a manual check. It downloaded the test mail. Fine, but not perfect.

(Disabled Wi-Fi and cleaned cache on K-9.)

Sent another test mail from computer; enabled Wi-Fi, no auto check as soon as enabled. Waited 20 minutes, no periodic check (it’s set to 15 min). Checked settings for incoming server, it worked (i.e. “Next” gave “settings saved” and returned to settings). Did a manual check, nothing… Did another “check” of settings for incoming server, and it worked, again.

Enabled debug log, and did another refresh/check, nothing. That’s really odd.

Part of the log when it didn’t fetch a mail (there seemed to be one, or am I reading it wrong), but as shown in post above, was found later by both the old mobile and there when checked via web mail. (Didn’t K-9 find a connection or what; I can’t find my login/email address, in the whole debug log from this attempt.)

05-17 02:33:48.827 15166 15190 I MessagingController: Running command 'clearNotifications', seq = 26 (foreground priority)
05-17 02:33:48.828 15166 15190 V NotificationController: Removing some notifications for account 292ef34d-1cb7-49bd-843f-119b0fefd93b
05-17 02:33:48.828 15166 15190 I MessagingController:  Command 'clearNotifications' completed
05-17 02:33:48.836 15166 15431 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior.
05-17 02:33:49.337 15166 15431 D Surface : Surface::disconnect
05-17 02:33:49.337 15166 15431 D BufferQueueProducer: [VRI[SettingsActivity]#21(BLAST Consumer)21](id:3b3e00000015,api:1,p:15166,c:15166) disconnect: api 1
05-17 02:33:50.499 15166 15190 I MessagingController: Running command 'synchronizeMailbox', seq = 27 (background priority)
05-17 02:33:50.499 15166 15190 D MessagingController: Last folder list refresh @ fre maj 17 02:22:58 CEST 2024. Not refreshing now.
05-17 02:33:50.500 15166 15190 I ImapSync: Synchronizing folder EXAMPLE:INBOX
05-17 02:33:50.500 15166 15190 V ImapSync: SYNC: About to get local folder INBOX
05-17 02:33:50.501 15166 15190 V ImapSync: SYNC: About to get remote folder INBOX
05-17 02:33:50.501 15166 15190 V ImapSync: SYNC: About to open remote folder INBOX
05-17 02:33:50.503 15166 15190 V RealImapConnection: conn149336233>>> 14 NOOP
05-17 02:33:50.549 15166 15190 V ImapResponseParser: conn149336233<<<#14# [OK, NOOP completed]
05-17 02:33:50.550 15166 15190 V RealImapConnection: conn149336233>>> 15 EXAMINE "INBOX"
05-17 02:33:50.586 15166 15190 V ImapResponseParser: conn149336233<<<#null# [FLAGS, [\Draft, \Answered, \Flagged, \Deleted, \Seen, \Recent]]
05-17 02:33:50.586 15166 15190 V ImapResponseParser: conn149336233<<<#null# [OK, [PERMANENTFLAGS, []], No permanent flags permitted]
05-17 02:33:50.587 15166 15190 V ImapResponseParser: conn149336233<<<#null# [1, EXISTS]
05-17 02:33:50.587 15166 15190 V ImapResponseParser: conn149336233<<<#null# [0, RECENT]
05-17 02:33:50.587 15166 15190 V ImapResponseParser: conn149336233<<<#null# [OK, [UIDVALIDITY, 1292669610], Ok]
05-17 02:33:50.587 15166 15190 V ImapResponseParser: conn149336233<<<#null# [OK, [MYRIGHTS, acdilrsw], ACL]
05-17 02:33:50.587 15166 15190 V ImapResponseParser: conn149336233<<<#15# [OK, [READ-ONLY], Ok]
05-17 02:33:50.587 15166 15190 D RealImapFolder: Got untagged EXISTS with value 1 for 292ef34d-1cb7-49bd-843f-119b0fefd93b:INBOX/MessagingController/conn149336233
05-17 02:33:50.588 15166 15190 V ImapSync: SYNC: Remote message count for folder INBOX is 1
05-17 02:33:50.588 15166 15190 V ImapSync: SYNC: About to get messages 1 through 1 for folder INBOX
05-17 02:33:50.589 15166 15190 V RealImapConnection: conn149336233>>> 16 UID SEARCH 1:1 SINCE 03-May-2024 NOT DELETED
05-17 02:33:50.596 15166 15190 V ImapResponseParser: conn149336233<<<#null# [SEARCH, 874]
05-17 02:33:50.596 15166 15190 V ImapResponseParser: conn149336233<<<#16# [OK, SEARCH done.]
05-17 02:33:50.596 15166 15190 V ImapSync: SYNC: Got 1 messages for folder INBOX
05-17 02:33:50.597 15166 15190 V ImapSync: Message with uid 874 is present in the local store
05-17 02:33:50.597 15166 15190 D ImapSync: SYNC: Have 0 unsynced messages
05-17 02:33:50.597 15166 15190 D ImapSync: SYNC: Have 0 large messages and 0 small messages out of 0 unsynced messages
05-17 02:33:50.597 15166 15190 D ImapSync: SYNC: Fetching 0 small messages for folder INBOX
05-17 02:33:50.597 15166 15190 D ImapSync: SYNC: Done fetching small messages for folder INBOX
05-17 02:33:50.597 15166 15190 D ImapSync: SYNC: Fetching large messages for folder INBOX
05-17 02:33:50.598 15166 15190 D ImapSync: SYNC: Done fetching large messages for folder INBOX
05-17 02:33:50.598 15166 15190 D ImapSync: SYNC: About to sync flags for 1 remote messages for folder INBOX
05-17 02:33:50.598 15166 15190 V RealImapConnection: conn149336233>>> 17 UID FETCH 874 (UID FLAGS)
05-17 02:33:50.602 15166 15190 V RealImapConnection: conn149336233<<<#null# [1, FETCH, [UID, 874, FLAGS, [\Seen]]]
05-17 02:33:50.602 15166 15190 V RealImapConnection: conn149336233<<<#17# [OK, FETCH completed.]
05-17 02:33:50.603 15166 15190 D ImapSync: SYNC: Synced remote messages for folder INBOX, 0 new messages
05-17 02:33:50.610 15166 15190 D ImapSync: Done synchronizing folder EXAMPLE:INBOX @ fre maj 17 02:33:50 CEST 2024
05-17 02:33:50.611 15166 15190 I ImapSync: Done synchronizing folder EXAMPLE:INBOX
05-17 02:33:50.611 15166 15190 I MessagingController:  Command 'synchronizeMailbox' completed
05-17 02:33:50.611 15166 15190 I MessagingController: Running command 'sendPendingMessages', seq = 28 (background priority)
05-17 02:33:50.611 15166 15190 I MessagingController:  Command 'sendPendingMessages' completed
05-17 02:33:55.583 15166 15166 D ViewRootImpl: update {(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302fd
05-17 02:33:55.583 15166 15166 D ViewRootImpl:   bhv=DEFAULT
05-17 02:33:55.583 15166 15166 D ViewRootImpl:   fitSides=} by setView
05-17 02:33:55.596 15166 15431 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior.
05-17 02:33:55.599 15166 15431 W Parcel  : Expecting binder but got null!
05-17 02:33:56.130 15166 15431 D Surface : Surface::disconnect
05-17 02:33:56.130 15166 15431 D BufferQueueProducer: [VRI[MessageList]#22(BLAST Consumer)22](id:3b3e00000016,api:1,p:15166,c:15166) disconnect: api 1
05-17 02:33:57.671 15166 15166 D ViewRootImpl: update {(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={forwardNavigation} ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x10302fd
05-17 02:33:57.671 15166 15166 D ViewRootImpl:   bhv=DEFAULT
05-17 02:33:57.671 15166 15166 D ViewRootImpl:   fitSides=} by setView
05-17 02:33:57.682 15166 15431 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap behavior.
05-17 02:33:57.698 15166 15431 W Parcel  : Expecting binder but got null!
05-17 02:33:58.203 15166 15431 D Surface : Surface::disconnect

The log shows that the app asked the server for a list of messages newer than May 3 (you’ve probably configured the app to sync messages from the last 2 weeks). The server returned one message which was already downloaded by the client during a previous sync. The app then updated the flags of that message from the server (it was marked as read on the server).

If that doesn’t reflect the state on the server, maybe your provider’s IMAP server has issues with the way K-9 Mail limits the query to messages newer than 14 days. Since you seem to use another client to remove messages from the server, you could configure K-9 Mail not to filter by date. Change Settings → [Account] → Fetching mail → Sync messages from to any time (no limit).

Thank you for prompt reply! (And your patience.)
Yes, it is set to two weeks (I don’t know why I changed that (years ago) but it’s the setting for the account we are discussing, not the other I’m not testing at the moment, and was carried over when I imported settings).

I’m a bit gobsmacked of the whole thing discussed in the thread.

(Since I even couldn’t see the handshake/login in the debug log of this last attempt (and I quoted only part of it), I wondered this morning if I had forgot to enable wifi, but if I look at what I mentioned in my post about that test, I had enabled, waited 20m, did several manual checks as well as check Incoming settings before I enabled debug log and did another refresh/manual check/sync, so the connection and handshake was already there before I started the log.)

I can’t show screen shots of everything but at the top of the list of the K-9 inbox, before and after debug (and still), was the test mail I sent 20-30 min earlier (slightly different Subject etc. to keep track). As mentioned, after grabbing a debug log, I used my old mobile and it found it (without notification from the mobile, it was marked as read), it had also found the previous one, and also used webmail (usually not using), the last test mail was the only one there I think (in the inbox, weird when I think about it I’ll have to check that further, since the check via webmail was just something in the moment). But even if at that point or when using the old mobile it became “read”, the new mobile should still fetch it. It’s my computers e-mail client using POP that deletes when successfully received (didn’t use that one until gave up the test).

As I said, gobsmacked; this should be pretty straightforward; I exported settings from old to new mobile.

Guess I’ll have to talk to the email provider; but still, it doesn’t explain the difference between old mobile (6.801) and new (6.802), and with exported settings.

I will change sync settings to no limit.

Short reply: seems to be working now.

Changed sync setting to any time/no limit. Enabled wifi (I’m back to VPN), and after a minute or so it downloaded a new (external) mail (with notification), so I assume it should “do its thing” as soon as there is a data link enabled (and sync setting is Always).

Sent a test mail, from the PC, left the mobile idle, got on with life, and after around 19 min I got a notification. At this point I love that notification sound… Something is working. :slight_smile:

Still left it alone, a bit later I got another notification for a new (external) mail, 8 min after it was sent.

Seems to be working. Cookies and coffee for everyone (or your preferred beverage). :slight_smile:

1,5h later, I sent a second test mail, mobile left idle, and after 22 min I got a notification.
Still not perfect, but then we have these “windows” of activity in Android, together with K-9, so I guess I’ll have to say it’s all OK. That said, it was confusing in earlier tests, when I didn’t get anything with a manual check/refresh after some minute or later.

And finally some hour later I sent a third and last test mail with the intent of doing a manual check (within a short time, say < 1 min) this time. Went to the mobile, unlocked the screen and before I had switched to K-9 it was downloaded. That’s around 30 s. Timing of the freq. is everything, it seems.

(I know that I really should think about using IMAP on my computer (I have that for a seldom used account, but main accounts are all POP and remove/delete; but I find the e-mail client’s IMAP interface a bit clunky. With “several” devices I at least can’t have POP (and delete) on the mobile, so there it’s obvious.)

Same topic, since it is the same mobile, same K-9 version, and, in this case, it didn’t fetch all new mails (for the same account).

[As mentioned above; I only have sync & periodic checks, however this was the initial check, enabled for one account at the moment, same as discussed above.]

Enabled wifi on the mobile in Wednesday afternoon, and K-9 downloaded some mail in the background. Fine. Went to K-9 and read the mail. Thought there should be more. Then did a poll with my e-mail client on the computer (using POP and delete at server), and it fetched 4 emails for that account from earlier in the day.

The one that K-9 had downloaded was the last one. At this point in the afternoon I had not used either this mobile nor e-mail client on PC during the day. My first thought, before checking, was that the three emails K-9 didn’t fetch was sent to an alias for the main address, shouldn’t matter, but no. Of the four emails, two were sent to the main account, K-9 fetched the last one, and two were sent to an alias.

This isn’t reliable. I didn’t do a manual check after reading the one K-9 fetched, but all mails were sent several hours earlier.

Waited posting this, then it happened again this morning. Manual check. K-9 fetched 1, but there were 3 in total; all three later downloaded with e-mail client on PC.

Local map size: 250 messages
Sync from when: anytime/no limit
Size up to: 2 MB (in the above case all four emails were between 60-90 kB)
Freq: every 15 min.
Map: 1:st class only
Push: no

I have no idea why this happens.

I’m close to giving up having a working e-mail solution on my new mobile, with K-9.

I hadn’t used K-9, reading mails etc, for a two days, and this afternoon I was expecting an e-mail as a confirmation of something I was doing with the computer; in this I had also used some apps on my old mobile, so it had wi-fi enabled. The “new” mobile, with problems, was just resting, charged and ready for the coming week. As I was waiting for the e-mail (usually arrives in 5-10 minutes) I thought why not enable wi-fi on the new mobile to see if it’s working.

As I went to do this I heard the sound from my old mobile (I had forgot to disable wi-fi when it was no longer needed); the old mobile had fetched the confirmation e-mail, it’s still unread.

I enabled wi-fi on the new one, and waited a minute, no check, started K-9, nothing, did a manual check, and imagine my surprise, at the top was an unread mail from Friday, I had downloaded this together with some other with the computer (POP), so it shouldn’t be there. It is possible that I did fetch it with K-9 on Friday, on the new mobile together with a couple e-mails that I did read, and forgot about it. What strikes me is that usually when you start K-9 old recently already fetched, read & unread, mails are at the top. When I was trying to get K-9 to fetch today’s e-mail I hadn’t scrolled down so that I missed this unread, from Friday, at the top.

To conclude: it didn’t fetch mail as soon as I enabled wi-fi, it didn’t fetch when I tried manual (weird I know, but at this point I wasn’t in mood for troubleshooting, again; I just pulled down the list to invoke a poll), but it did show an unread mail from Friday.

And not related to the topic (I know, another subject…), why do I at times see a spinning wheel for several seconds, half a minute, in the notification bar, and a dot on the K-9 icon, when K-9 isn’t running and there is no data link, mobile or wi-fi?

It happened again shortly after the above-mentioned, and after I had disabled wi-fi again.

Isn’t that the first thing K-9 should check: do I have a data link or not, if not, not worth trying. So what’s going there?

(The (new) mobile isn’t exactly heavily modified; almost all, if not all, is running at standard settings (I gave K-9 unlimited battery for background operation), and I do not, at least not yet, run multiple apps at the same time.

Still haven’t downloaded the new e-mail mentioned at the beginning (and thus deleted it on server with POP) with the computer. So did another check with K-9, enabled wifi on the new mobile, did a manual check, nothing quickly went to settings for the account and went trough settings for incoming server, clicked next, and it saved and returned to settings. Nothing. The only device that has touched the e-mail server so far was the K-9 on the old mobile that fetched the mail (still unread).

It happens again. I had not checked my emails with my PC this morning, and decided to first do a check with K-9 on the mobile.

Enabled wifi, no immediate check, opened K-9, seemed like it had downloaded 3 emails, but no sound no nothing, at least there were 3 unread, of these 2 were from this morning, so fine, it seemed. But the third was something I downloaded on the PC (using POP with delete) Tuesday afternoon, and thus it shouldn’t be there for K-9 to fetch this morning.

The only explanation is that K-9 somehow downloaded it earlier and I hadn’t noticed (unless something is really weird), at some point during Tuesday when wifi was enabled, before I fetched it with the PC. But no sound, no notification then, and not now.

Fine I thought, at least it got these two new e-mails from this morning. Next I did a poll with my e-mail client on the PC, and imagine my surprise when it downloaded three emails, from today. That is, K-9 missed one of them, the first one.

All three to the same account, all sent around the same time, within say 10 minutes. Nothing special.

This can’t be trusted. Who wants to have a mobile e-mail client that can’t fetch 3 emails sent within the last hour.

K-9 worked all OK for a very long time on my old Sony mobile, then earlier this year one version of K-9 seemed to miss some email sent to an alias to the account (seemed, since I did a poll within some minutes or so after it was sent to me, and nothing, but could later be fetched with email client on PC. Then a later version of K-9 seemed to work from start with my new Motorola, the one I’m having problem with, but then seemed to miss some, and thus I started doing tests as described earlier.

I’ve given K-9 “unlimited battery” for background use, and since then the OS version has been upgraded, don’t know what more to try, apart from uninstall and install. I will then lose all emails downloaded, of course I already have them on my PC (and as described above also some not being the mobile in the first place since K-9 fails to fetch all), but still it can be nice to have a copy of some on the mobile.