Déplacer des applications sur une carte SD sous Samsung Galaxy S7

Manquant de place sur mon Samsung S7 et ayant l’application K9-mail prenant beaucoup de place,
j’ai déplacé K9 vers une carte SD sous Samsung Galaxy S7.

Résultats :
1 K9 ne fonctionne plus sue mon S7
2 Comment visualiser ce qui aurait été déplacer du phone vers la carte (je n’ai pas de visibilité)
3 Comment remettre en fonctionnement K9 (avec tous ses comptes mails) sur le S7;

Merci d’avance
Bien cdlt

Tranlation (with duckduckgo)

Running out of space on my Samsung S7 and having the K9-mail app taking up a lot of space, I moved K9 to an SD card under Samsung Galaxy S7.
1 K9 doesn’t work anymore on my S7
2 How to visualize what would have been moving from the phone to the map (I don’t have visibility)
3 How to get K9 back up and running (with all its email accounts) on the S7;

I tried it on my S7 Edge and K9 still works fine so far even on SD card.

1 what exactly is the behavior?
2 I do not understand the question - might be caused by translation tool
3 moving it back to internal memory does not help?

You say you are running out of space. How much memory does K9 use? I have 8 differnet mail accounts, all with IMAP, which uses about 200MB (after clearing cache).

I just wondered why I did not move K9 to SD card as I also have many other apps moved there to save memory. The reason is that K9 does provide 3 widgets - when it is moved to SD card then only one widget is available.
Also some apps have an issue to be updated when moved to SD card - but I am not sure if K9 is one of them.

Bonjour stphn,

Merci pour votre aide.

2 Je ne comprends pas la question - cela peut être dû à l’outil de traduction"
J’ai déplacé K9 de la mémoire interne du S7 vers la carte SD (sur les conseils du site fr.fonelab.com)

“1 quel est exactement le comportement ?”
Je ne reçois plus les mails sur K9, en revanche je peux faire des envois qui arrivent aux destinataires

3 Le remettre dans la mémoire interne n’aide pas ?"
J’ai fait la manipulation inverse, qui s’est bien passée, mais qui n’a pas rétabli la situation (sauf peut-être l’envoi, je n’avais pas vérifié avant)

J’ai 7 comptes en imap 3,05 Go en données, 3,01 Go en cache.
Je ne sais à quoi correspond le cache ? Comment il est défini ? Et s’il est possible de le diminuer ?
Quelles conséquences si l’on efface le cache (comme le propose les paramètres de K9)

Merci d’avance
Bien cdlt

Translated - @gmtem, please do translation to english before posting here by yourself, then more people might help :slight_smile:

2 I don’t understand the question - it may be due to the translation tool" I moved K9 from the S7’s internal memory to the SD card (on the advice of the fr.fonelab.com site) "

Yes, I understood that you moved K9 to SD card - I just did not understand my translation of your 2nd question:

As I do not understand french I checked on www.fonelab.com but I did not find anything about K9.

1 What exactly is the behavior?" I no longer receive emails on K9, but I can send them to the recipients

Ok, this I did not check, as there did not come new mails during my short test period. Might try later again when I find more time…

3 Putting it back in the internal memory doesn’t help?" I did the reverse manipulation, which went well, but didn’t restore the situation (except maybe the sending, I hadn’t checked before) P/Info I have 7 accounts in imap 3.05 GB in data, 3.01 GB in cache. I don’t know what the cache is? How is it defined? And if it is possible to reduce it? What are the consequences of clearing the cache (as proposed by the K9 settings)?

Ok, this seems to be the most interesting part: 3.05 GB data / 3.01 GB cache. I guess you see it in Android’s Settings / Apps / K-9 Mail / Memory.

Cache is a intermediate storage of data used by app containing data it fetched before. To speed up app’s performance it stores data some data additionally in cache.
For me I have 118 MB data and 90 MB cache. When I clean up cache all still works fine - but is immediately filled again.

I would say it is safe to clean cache.

You say that you use IMAP for all accounts. Normally only the latest 50 or 100 mails should be kept in K9 - all the others are fetched from server when requested.
How many mails do you have locally available in K9? If it is only those 50-100 , do these mails have many large attachments? Trying to find out how to reduce your local memory footprint with K9

Thanks for your help.
I don’t know enough English either.
So I’m going to go through Google translation.
You tell me: “How many emails do you have locally available in K9?” How to know?
On the other hand, will the cache fill up immediately upon first use?
Is it possible to configure this cache to limit its volume?
Thanks again

In total I do not know how to find out. But you can count for a folder, e.g. for Inbox, by “Select all” in 3dot menu. If you use Unified Inbox you can count all mails for all folders contributing to Unified Inbox. For me it is 346 mails.

I do not know when the cache is filled - this only the K9 devs know. But as far as I know cache size cannot be configured.

But in case that all the mails are still on your server and you found out you have local copies of (too) many mails of them in K9 which consume too much space, then you could delete the local copies in a folder (needs to be done by folder) and fetch the latest mails in that folder with IMAP again.

With POP3 this does not work as far as I know.

Bonjour Stphn

Thank you for your help and practical information.
K9 sorely lacks a developed user manual, it’s a shame, fortunately there are people like you who provided help!!!
You say: “I don’t know when the cache is full - only K9 developers know that.”
Is there a way to chat with developers?
This would also make it possible to offer them improvements (such as cache settings).
“you could delete the local copies in a folder (needs to be done by folder) and fetch the latest mails in that folder with IMAP again.”
Unfortunately this seems too complicated for me to do, thank you anyway.

Thanks again and have a nice weekend
Best regards

Just in case you want to delete your local copies in K9 of mails in a folder, e.g. Inbox, you can do this:

Manage Folders / Inbox / 3dot-menu / Clear local messages

Note: be aware that mails you only have locally and no longer on server will be gone and cannot be refetched. And you should this only with IMAP as far as I know.