Starting with Version 8.2 K-9 mail has changed its behaviour when switching from WLAN to a Mobile Network.
I have an IMAP ( and SMTP ( Server running in a private network behind a public IP.
When my smartphone is connected to the private WLAN, it gets its IP via DHCP (static mapping) and with it also the ip address of the internal name server to resolve and The internal name server resolves both hosts to their LAN ip adresses. The K-9 client connected to the WLAN (part of the LAN) connects (TLS) to the services without problems.
Now, when I leave the WLAN, the smartphone establish a connection to the Mobile Network. While retrieving the Mobile IP address also new name servers are provided to the Smartphone. Using this name servers the two hosts are resolved to the public IP of the my private network. The router then does a port forwarding to the LAN ips of the two services.
When switching from WLAN to mobile LAN K-9 seems to run into a connection timeout of the connections initially established from within the WLAN. That’s expected, as the smtp and imap services are not available at the LAN IP any more. This leads to K-9 throwing connection errors for every account configured. Error message is “authentication failed”, however I think that’s not the root cause.
This did not happen in prior versions. In prior versions K-9 silently re-established the connection to the server in background, which would include to close the idle connection, re-resolve the host’s DNS via the new name servers provided by the mobile network and the establish the connections to the smtp and imap server again using the public ip.
Starting with 8.2 K-9 client runs into a timeout and does not automatically reconnect/re-resolve the host names. I have to click the error message. The smtp and the imap configuration screen is displayed and i have to “okay” them to force K-9 to re-establish the connection. I have to do this twice, since the first time K-9 comes up with the same error, only the second time it actually seems to re-resolve the host names and succeds reconnecting to the imap/smtp services. I have to do this for each email account configured. And: It does not persist, next time i switch from WLAN to Mobile Network, the same happens again.
Funny thing is, it does not happen when switch form the Mobile Network to the WLAN.
Is there a way to make this work smooth again? Is this intended behaviour (change)?