Bold, Italic, etc., when composing an email

How do I enable text formatting (bold, italic, etc.) when composing an email?

Thank you.

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Currently not possible

Thank you. If it’s not possible now, I do not expect it ever will be. K9 is not new.

I have tried Fairemail. Are any other Android email alternatives that folks here would recommend in 2024?

I guess I’ll be spending $30 on Aqua Mail just to get bold and italic.

If that’s all the formatting you need then there are some conventions for applying them in plain text email:

  • For italic insert a slash character (/) before and after the word or phrase e.g. ``/This is important/`
  • For bold Enclose the word or phrase in asterisks (*) to signify bolded type e.g. *This is important*

Some email clients (including Thunderbird) will recognise this and apply the formatting when displaying plain text emails.

Other commonly understood conventions are

  • For underlining use underscore characters (_) e.g. _underlined text_
  • For bullet points start the line with hyphen (-) or asterisk (*) followed by space
  • To indent bullet points, precede the hyphen or asterisk with two or four space characters

Nope. Couldn’t get Aqua Mail to send, outgoing server settings aren’t mentioned anywhere in the documentation, and tech support was antagonistic.

Staying with K9.

Do you know how one would donate money to K9 Mail’s developers?

Now that K-9 Mail is part of Thunderbird, they handle donations.


Donation made. Thanks.


Anybody know if HTML composing will be implemented soon?
All clients have it …

After BlackBerry this is the best client I’ve found.
It is the only one that allow me to keep deleted messages on server on IMAP accounts, therefore I must use K9
Furthermore I’ve been using Thunderbird since the early beginning, therefore I have a special feeling with Mozilla

I switched to Fastmail. I already use them for my mail. Their Android app is pretty much I wanted from K9.

Tried, it does not work (I cannot even set an account, it says wrong user or password)

“Tried, it does not work”

The Fastmail app is only for people who use Fastmail for their email. I do (and have, for many years).

For what it’s worth, I consider the Fastmail email service worth paying for.

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Thanks a lot.
I’m testing Aqua now and It seems good

Long time Fastmail user myself. However, I need an app that doesn’t require a network connection like their client app needs. At least on Android, their app is a PWA or close to such. Fastmail in a mobile browser looks almost dead on to the app.

Thus I continue to use K9 occasionally for Fastmail and my legacy emails.

Do you know Aqua Mail? What do you think about?
Unfortunately it costs 30€/year


That’s really great.
A little tricky to set up due to the tons of options and settings but, once set, it’s unbeatable
Also close to the old BlackBerry Hub

Thank you very much