First off, I’m DELIGHTED to see K9 is still alive! I have been using the last play store version from about 5 years ago, and JUST discovered you guys are still out there!
Is there a way to enable the old-school view? What I mean is, instead of having the accounts separate on the top left, is there a way to have all the accounts collapsed on the main screen rather than the folders? It was a lot quicker to navigate accounts. In other words, when I first launch the app, I want to see all the accounts top to bottom like in the old version. Not sure if it’s possible.
Anyway I’m DELIGHTED to see new versions! Thank you all!
I assume you want the old account overview screen from v5.600 to be added to the latest version (5.740)?
The account overview screen being this one
This screen does not exist in the new versions (it is replaced by switching accounts in the navigation drawer) and Cketti has stated on another ticket that there are no plans to implement that.
Yes. I meant the old style where the accounts are all collapsed and listed on the same screen. Though, I have gotten used to the new layout. The app is still brilliant.