SEnt emails sitting in Outbox

I can’t send emails at all. This is from 3 different accounts (Gmail, Outlook, Google workspace). Have checked settings and they all look fine. What should I do?

More information is required:

  • which version of K9 is used?
  • what is the error you see? Or no error but the mail stays in Outbox folder?
  • can you receive mails?
  • other information which might help

Version 6.602

Mail stays in outbox and eventually says exceeded # of retries.

Yes I am receiving emails as well as sent mail which went out through other email clients (eg Thunderbird PC, outlook, gmail)

Can’t think of other helpful info, except that this is for accounts on gmail, MS365/Outlook, as well as google workspace.

Please check Settings / account / Sending Mail / Outgoing Server

Check that all setings are OK using an SMTP server.

I have a Gmail account as well using OAuth 2 and it looks like this:

If you complete this does it work or do you get an error message?

That is already the current setting.

Please also check this:

This is also correct.

Does it behave differently if you are on Wifi or mobile data?
Also I guess you might need to send a debug log
Settings / general settings / debugging

After you have enabled logging you can reproduce the issue and later go in same menu to 3dot menu and export log.

Maybe someone here can find some pointer in the logs to the problem