I have a use case for which I would really like to configure IMAP servers while being offline, or change host/user/password without having connection to the actual IMAP host.
This was totally possible in ‘former’ K9 mail (1-2 years ago). Nowadays in V 6.804 there is some automatic connection checking when pressing ‘Next’ that insists on really testing a successful connection.
I see no way to save my settings without passing this check successful. My options are ‘Next’ and ‘Repeat’ (which resolve in the check impossible when offline) and ‘Back’ (which does not save changes).
I also switched to flight mode in case the app somehow checks connectivity. Same result.
Any workaround or tip would be gladly appreciated!
thanks for quick response.
My actual case is that I would like to just edit settings on my existing accounts instead of remove/add accounts or import/export settings.
I work on a vessel from time to time with only a local IMAP host, no general internet for client devices. I would like to configure settings beforehand. Also I need to setup up devices for colleagues beforehand, onshore.
Is it really necessary for the mail client to prove a connectivity to the IMAP host beforehand? I would greatly appreciate an option, beside “Repeat”, such as "Save however (I know what I am doing, I am a mature wo-man ).
Or no mandatory check at all but this seems to be the recent way of user care.